Full Stack Developer Quiz IV

Instructor : Jane Sferrazza CLASS: Full Stack Developer.    SESSION: Weekdays

Quiz 4

February 21, 2025

1. What is the port for React and Vite for the localhost?

2. What is the command to run the localhost?

3. How would I install node modules?

4. When you have imported the component such as ListGroup how would you add it to the code?

5. How would you create a React app with Vite?

6. How would you install a Bootstrap component

7. What other ports are there?

8. What is the status code for ok with an API ?

9. What is the status code for not found ?

10. What is the correct command to create a new React project?

11. What tool does React use to compile JSX?

12. What is the default local host port that a React development server uses?

13. To develop and run React code, Node.js is required.

14. What command is used to start the React local development server?

15. Which keyword creates a constant in JavaScript?

16. React component names must begin with an uppercase letter.

17. What is the correct syntax to import a Component from React?

18. How can you combine the following arrays using the spread operator? const array1 = [1, 2, 3]; const array2 = [4, 5, 6];

19. What is an example of an arrow function expressions?

20. What is the shortcut to add the boilerplate component ?

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