Full Stack Developer Quiz I

Instructor : Jane Sferrazza CLASS: Full Stack Developer.    SESSION: Weekends 

November 14, 2024

1. Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:

2. What are tags and attributes in HTML?

3. What are void elements in HTML?

4. How would you write something in html as a heading?

5. What are different types of lists in HTML?

6. What is the ‘class’ attribute in HTML?

7. What is the difference between the ‘id’ attribute and the ‘class’ attribute of HTML elements?

8. What are the different types in a form?

9. Describe HTML layout structure.

10. What are the various formatting tags in HTML?

11. What is the difference between , strong tags and , bold tags?(2 answers are correct)

12. What is the significance of head and body tag in HTML? (more than 1 answer)

13. Can we display a web page inside a web page or Is nesting of webpages possible?

14. What is the tag for unordered list?

15. How can we club two or more rows or columns into a single row or column in an HTML table?


16. Is it possible to change an inline element into a block level element?

17. What are the mandatory tags in the HTML page?

18. What does HTML stand for?

19. How to specify the link in HTML and explain the target attribute?

20. In how many ways can we specify the CSS styles for the HTML element?

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